Posted on November 15, 2018 by lttrest07 in Auto Repair
As a car owner, hearing strange noises coming from under the hood can be concerning. While many of these noises may be normal, there are a few sounds that should not be ignored and are indicators of major issues. There are 5 engine noises that require a mechanic’s immediate attention. 1. Engine Hisses A hissing

Posted on October 10, 2018 by lttrest07 in Car Care Tips
Your car’s brakes are one of the most important components when it comes to safety. You want your brakes to work at top capacity at all times in order to avoid accidents. That’s why you should be aware of any of the warning signs of brake problems. Servicing your brakes is one of those routine

Posted on September 18, 2018 by lttrest07 in Auto Repair
Everyone knows what function brakes have in a car. Brakes slow down your vehicle, allowing it to stop safely. However, brakes aren’t the only important component in this process; your brake pads are equally important. The importance of an effective braking system as well as quality brake pads can never be underestimated. Consider these facts

Posted on August 23, 2018 by lttrest07 in Auto Repair
One of the leading causes of car breakdowns are problems with its cooling system. Neglecting regular maintenance can cause serious damage and complete engine failure. However, we can help you figure out how to tell if your coolant needs replacing. Here are some common tell tale signs that you may be in need of a

Posted on August 6, 2018 by lttrest07 in Auto Repair
If you’re considering getting an engine rebuild it means your car’s engine has gone through problems that have caused their internal components to fail, making your vehicle inoperable. Although many terrible engine failures can be prevented with routine service and maintenance, things like a failure of the cooling system or a damaged oil pump can